About US

Your awakening to the world of things with basic and simple steps !!!!!!


Paul and Kathy Yih, working cross continentally with our partner Gustavo Melges from Marilia, São Paulo, Brazil have over these past three years as we have been creating a series of web sites.  This idea of MFP - MyFirstPage is a part of the crystallization of the many personal ideas and values that had been formed over this period of time. The Yihs have had a long history with their global business located in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. By the sharing of their personal goals and ideas -- and with the universal ideas where each and every one of people, from almost all parts of the world can become part of the MFP - MyFirstPage.  The Yihs take this mission of MFP most seriously as this team of three and our other global partners will all be sharing with our ideas and dreams.

More of the background of the Yihs can be seen at www.chinawest1977.com 

http://myfirstpage.org/paulyih http://myfirstpage.org/Kathyih http://myfirstpage.org/gustavo


(Jan 28, 2020)


The creation of MyFristPage is all about our global mission. To alleviate the level of poverty on our planet.  


It has been our life commitment to do and to try our best to find solutions for the world’s poor.  


After 45 years of our engagement in the world of business with our share of academic training -- We have come to this vision of first -- the world’s economy has always been an enormous part of the life of the people. 


Yes, democracy is a great ideal and the democratic process has seemed fair to many. Nevertheless, there is this void - the economic void, no one can vote with their empty stomach, and in that process, often, many so called democratic process has been jeopardized with once again -- the hidden “corruption”, where votes were bought and exchanged with a bag of rice or beans by many of these “affluent” candidates.  


More fundamentally, we must try our best to make the world democracy to have greater accountability, meaning, to make the people more capable to see and to participate also, not only democracy, but the day to day their economics and to try to understand how they can also be a valid voter with sound conscience and to be able to live with the general economics. 


It is of no value if and when, they were promised by their candidates of good life and to have their earning of wages increased, when in the future, the inflation and the cost of living had them all wiped out by the rise of cost and once again, the people are backed into the old holdrum of a sad life, without a sound and sustainable economy (of the people), the same people will continue to be oscillating by the rise of cost when their own currencies have been deflated or losing their values.  


We see these are the fundamental changes that we must make an effort with our contribution of both financial deeds, along with the education of the public in the sharing of the economy of any nation. 


This is the result of our advocacy of the new term named “ECONOMOCRACY”.  It is to have democratic values shared side by side of a sustainable economy of the people. Economy is not to be shared only by those economic affluent/elites. 


(Jan 28, 2020)


By the creation of the MFP, MyFirstPage is to try us best method to meet those vision of ours  - to foster a globally workable ECONOMOCRACY the best we know how. 


No one will be excluded.  


By us introducing MyFirstPage is just one of the most simplistic ways to elevate, and to enable those who are just coming into the global economic life, in their creation of their first venture into any society. 


To take advantage of the global paradigm shifts in technologies as well such changes in technologies will continue to impact their own participation onto their “local” and “regional economy. 


We are at the cusp of the global paradigm shifts, moving or advancing from the once IT -- Information technologies to the new area of today’s DT - Data technologies. We are moving from the once “centralized” system like banks and informations to the next round of more self reliance and the real independence by the tremendous amount of both technologies that have been created over these past 30 plus years. 


From our perspective -- Yes, the future statue of a global ECONOMOCRACY is very possible and can be enhanced by the current technologies. When one's personal economics improves, by way of learning, by way of self education, plus other good education with mechanism to foster greater learning -- the people will have a better grasp of both the control of their own ECONOMIC lives, to be able to have control of their earnings and income, plus the good ways to disperse money and spending, enabling them of their own management of their respective economics,  as will their participation of any un-contaminated DEMOCRACY. Making DEMOCRACY sustainable. 


MFP can be part of this mission with good results. 


Our mission is to enable all to create their first identity in the world scene. By making MFP affordable and to allow all participants to gain their entry into a world of business engagement and to learn from the world at large of any good programs, and to widen the economic participation for all. Most importantly, at a reasonable cost that they can sustain and make progress.

Symbolism / Rooster

(January 28, 2020)


Rooster is our daily reminder of "changes", we must evolve daily and to foster changes !

We have chosen our logo as a singing “Gallo”, or a roaster in what the rooster represents that they crow daily at the dawn of the day.  It is the reminder to all that, we will wake up daily to this “role call” of work, to organize and to be prepared for the next “crow” of the following day. No success will come without order and discipline -- and by the use of the symbol of a rooster -- It is to remind us that we have to work constantly with our labor and also with our “Heads”. We need to exercise our “thinking” and with thinking, it will come with hypothesis, and imagination to build the next framework and to find the next level of ascend in life -- for both economics as well as personal ideas and to continue to exercise thinking that can lead to learn and by education. 

We have the multiple symbols with Don Gallo, a more playful Rooster and also Don Pintinho. For obvious reasons, we will be installing more cartoon characters with the inclusiveness of genders such as Mama Galinha and Trumpet with Banner / It is the new announcement of any new events. We would also like your participation plus suggestions. We are an interactive company and thrive our work to be spontaneous, organic and with dynamism. 



(January 28, 2020)


Without sound ethics we will not be able to achieve the sort of discipline in our work with our business. We have groomed our past 40 plus years, for the most part, it was also due to our share and love for “education”. That is only one small part of our learning.  To be engaged in the world of economics, and to do so without sound principles and ethics --all your earnings and your now sound economics will not be of value to others, on the contrary, any one with greed bears nothing of sound ethics - they become the exploiters from the weakness of others.  


We have always put forth the good learning, and by good and sound values where we have always hold those similar values of Socrates and his words about learning.  His words had guided us for many many years. You are welcome to change your heroes and mentors often, so your page will not stay idle either. (installing the quote from Socrates) 


Our basic values of our operation:


  • Total Integrity 

  • Total Transparency 

  • Total efficiency 

  • Total Accountability 


*Create your own ideas and standard of excellence

Our ideas and our use of languages

(January 28, 2020)


We invite all our future partners, participants of MFP to become teachers, mentors and coaches to your team, your downline if you can create franchises or multiple networks. We intend to keep our languages in the most simplistic ways, where all readers and participants to understand. We encourage all of you to do the same.


(January 28,2020)


Any web sites and or web pages must not stay idle. Anything idle will not become “dynamics”.  Thus, we have our intentions to move all our text from all areas from time to time, by moving all previous texts into this category so called “Archives”. This area of archives can also be used for all our global partners, when it is necessary to have texts translated, modified and put forth to their own local regions.  As our partners at MFP, please encourage us to make changes often. 

Comments and Suggestions

(January 28, 2020)


We will be welcoming your input by your comments and also by your criticisms -- and by your suggestions, we will improve our work at MFP 


(January 28, 2020)


Because MFP - MyFirstPage is a global company, soon, we will have all texts to have the automatic translations as we are evaluating what source we will be using to avoid any of the “global” blockings due to the different political outlooks and regimes.  We will welcome any suggestions and even editing from our participants by our respect of the global cultural diversity. We will even by offering payments for any upgrade of our pages. 

Our Global Partners

Patricia Verano  Gustavo Melges 

Ringo Ching

Argentina/Uruguay  Brazil  China/ Hong Kong/ Macau   
http://myfirstpage.org/patriciaverano http://myfirstpage.org/gustavo http://myfirstpage.org/ringoching  



This is a cooperation between US and Brazil with the development of MFP -- MyFirstPage 



