History/ Introduction
The vision of CCI -- Cross-Cultural Institute has been with us for more than 43 years. Since the year 1975, where we have conceived a new way and a news structure of communication under the umbrella of Educational psychology, with a unique counseling system named CD -Communication Dynamics that is also accompanied by CD - Cultural Sphere.
This unique way in the use of the day to day counseling programs with the added dimension of culture, or the sphere of cultures is unique to not only myself, but it was based on the cross-cultural surrounding I was raised in my earlier years.
I was born in Shanghai, with my father coming from the village named Yuyao, from the province of Zhejiang, which is an hour upriver from Shanghai, nowadays part of the municipality of Ningbo with its own unique dialect, which is not Shanghai. I have never heard from my father speaking fluently of any of the major dialects of Shanghai, of Cantonese (My mother side) and or Mandarin, the official language of China today and it is also called Putonghua - or the common language. Yet, over the years, my father's fluency in French and Portuguese was impeccable, a graduate from the Sorbonnes, Paris and later, by the family migration to Brazil. Plus father's reading skills in English were all part of the contribution to my personal awareness and also my language development. Mother was a native from Guangdong (then known as Canton) but was raised in the province of Guangxi, the province west of Guangdong. Where mom was raised speaking also two plus dialects - Her fluency in Cantonese, and the local dialect pertaining to the city region of Guilin, plus her expressions in then "Guanhua", or the official tongue, which is the regionalized the " official language ", the present day Putonghua. That combination of the regional dialects of my mother had granted her also speaking almost fluently of the dialect of Sichuan.
Because I was the youngest sibling of a family of four, brother Yu-ning, Peter was born 14 months before me where mother had not enough milk to have me breastfed, then came the Ah Ma, the wet nurse who is from nearby Suzhou, another city in the peripherals of Shanghai. I was then exposed to one more dialect from Ah Ma. Thus, the entire audio/visual of sounds and people had its total influence on me in the search of many sounds and their meanings and expressions. I was most certain that my fluency of languages were established early on by the exposure of the multiple of sounds and expressions in my early childhood in Shanghai, and later on in the Cantonese cities of both Hong Kong and Macau, where my first language, my first dialect had given way to the more used of Cantonese from age 5 onward. Audioly, the intonation or the sound of speaking Mandarin/Putonghua of today had installed in my "sensor buds" early on. Just like the multi-tonal expression of my mother in three plus dialects, I have also inherited that mechanism in the bridging of some close dialects -- Just like the intonation of Mandarin/Putonghua with Sichuan and others.
I have arrived into Hong Kong and Macau region when I was five years old. First to Hong Kong and then later to Macau in and around the year 1952. The year my father had headed to Brazil.
Our family had moved from HK to Macau because of the greater tranquility of Macau, a Portuguese enclave and a colony.
The added exposure by the children of our family were requested by our paternal grandmother in Shanghai to have all grandchildren to be educated in gender separated institutions. There were not many options, and by in large, in these two European colonies, much of the good education were created by the religious orders. First the Roman Catholics and then the English.
Our family of four children, along with mother and her two sisters all were baptized by the Jesuits in Macau, from the orders of Mateo Ricci, the known Italian priest with his extensive engagement with China's emperors and who had shared the extensive knowledge about history, geography and astronomy, where Ricci had made much of his contribution to both China and Europe. My mother who had followed the "request" of her mother-in-law. The children were sent to separate Roman Catholic schools, the girls had gone onto the order of Canossa, the sisters from Italy and the boys were introduced to the school created by Giovanni Bosco, knowns as Dom Bosco in the Luso/Portuguese ambiance .
My first exposure to the sounds of Latin and Greek came via of the many of us who were serving our daily mass service at school and as all mass services were being conducted in Latin with Greek. Youngsters who have the ability to catch on early of the tones and diction of Latin would have been selected to learn more about Latin and Greek. This was my first exposure to the Latin and Greek language.
This exposure to the Latin/Romance languages had created one of the major influences in my world of communications, with languages that had modified my own widening to use languages and to allow me to better express myself -- and from the verbal, high tone and high sound of a sonoric language, where the other major value added to the enrichment of languages was the incorporation of the non-verbal where the gesture of the hands and also the added body language with this Latin and Romance language incorporated first with the root languages of Latin and Greek, then came the Portuguese and then the rest of the Romance Languages of Spanish and Italian -- where the common use of the many words and vocabulary had granted me much ease to hear the sounds of this rich "Cultural sphere"of the Latin/Romance with its influence of the Greco roots and words that had impacted and enriched my life many fold.
Vision // Mission // About us
The creation of the CD/CS - Communication Dynamics/Cultural Sphere has been the aggregate influences based on my personal journey that has been fallen into this context now called Cross-Cultural. An early cultural environment that I have perceived based on the simple observation as:
Cultural circumstances
While a youngster was reprimanded and punished for a series of "behavior", where it was considered normal in a given culture and yet, these actions or behavior were considered "not acceptable" in another culture.
Ex: during my days in Brazil, our neighbors from both the right and the left side of our house were Germans and Americans. As teenagers, by our gatherings of youth, many are children of immigrants who brought along with them of their habits, mores and values. Just take the weekend gatherings of a party. Where the Brazilian and Brazilian families generally have their parties, as simple as a birthday party -- the gathering of the celebration can often be started late in the evening, and the festivity continued on till the early morning hours. Often, unless the many youngsters are accompanied by their parents, have continued to stay on beyond the wee hours. But in other sets of circumstances, such as myself and my other fellow youngsters, of Hungarian, German and American extractions -- where the rules of the house and the hours of play time were much more rigorous or restricted. As a teenager -- these sort of social and cultural conflicts often surfaced and with many poorly made comments. We, the immigrants who had suffered from the conflicts of war, where we were put into odd situations that we had to migrate and to move to new countries and new lands. We were more rancorous about our past sets of circumstances and we were much more circumspection and with more set values that are often not in agreement with the Brazilians. Where often, the youngsters from the immigrants, be that they were born younger from the old country or born in Brazil, does not have the same mindset and cultural value set to their parents. From this basic social values of gathering, the hours of playtime and the rituals of people and cultures had created those sets conflicts of people and of course, cultures.
Based on my personal observation, where I have noticed that a "conflictual situation"often had no villains and yet, because of the many different cultures -- victims were being produced. Then came a series of cultural and value resentment toward the old "culture"by the obvious more attractive and more playful of the new culture of the new country.
This is where the CD- Communication Dynamics was born and the link of CS - Cultural Spheres has its direct link to the sets of cultural circumstances with our communications.
I have attracted early on in the field of Educational Psychology during my high school days and later on with my undergraduate studies in the area of general psychology and languages, and with that one segment we often called Counseling and Guidance, and Counseling psychology.
Like many young graduate students -- we were attracted and or directed early on with the Freudian psychology as I have noted and was impressed with the term -- Sexual Dynamics. Like it or not, we all have been exposed to the strong sexual aspect of Freudian psychology, and yet I have found not all human conflicts were based on the complexes of Oedipus Complex, or the obsession, the sexual obsession of a young male toward his mother. As a matter of fact, in the context of the Chinese, such ideas were never risen to the general "psyche"of the people. Nevertheless, this does not mean, such Freudian observation with that ambiance of his Judeo/Christian surroundings and of his time in Austria and in Europe. Freudian psychology has taken roots with his hypothesis in working the many sorts of anxieties of women. I dare to assume such sexual anxiety was probably one of the strongest in the categories of human sexuality. However, I still was not all that comfortable with these sets of cultural spheres of: Judeo/Christian/Greco values. Then came the departure of Karl Gustav Jung with his exploration of the human psyche above and beyond that sexual self.
Carl Rogers
With the arrival of the post Freudian therapists, psychologist, with the rise of Adler, Maslow and amongst a number of other talents in the field of psychology, I was more gravitated on the teaching of Carl Rogers. Roger's idea about non-directive counseling, and by Rogers naming his "patients"as "clients"had some major impact on me. The client Centered therapy had given ways to think of the people we are dealing with are no longer fallen into the script and the terminologies framed by Sigmund Freud. Instead, the client centered way of counseling is far more human by the respect of the professionals toward his/her "clients".
More on Rogers's use of terms of "Unconditional Positive Regards" had me impressed where the focus of the work of a counselor or therapist has given much more that professional analysis and study with the participation of the said client/patient. He treated his clients/patients with respect.
Rogers's work ethics and the way he treated his patients had me very much impressed. He or she are humans and regardless of their psychological status -- they all received respect.
Transactional Analysis / Eric Berne
My general study of the method of TA, Transactional Analysis had given me the general idea in the development of a workable format in the work as a therapist or as a professional consultant. Both the work of TA of Eric Berne and also the work of Carl Rogers can be transformed and modified to suit both the professional world of "guidance"and also the world of "Counseling"which every so often, can be curing or therapeutic by the modification of certain behavior.
TA, Transactional Analysis had somewhat shaped and formed the dialogues between counselor/therapist with patients/clients modeled after the Freudian "trinity"of id, ego and superego. Where Eric Berne had shaped and formed the exchanges from those three major vintage points of the Freudian psychology with a richer and universal forms of application. The TA model had given me a general visual model where between myself and my counselees - the much needed framework in my sessions with many of my counselee/students and those who are counselee/therapy. TA had aided my development of the creation of the configuration of CD/CS -- Communication Dynamics and also the much needed Cultural Sphere.
Thus in 1975, in working with as many as 68 plus students at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. Our office, a federal funded group has a very rigid schedule in the demanding of the student attendance during their college classes, and with equal vigor, that these students must also meet with their "counselors", mandating their visit on a weekly basis for a session of 45 minutes. It was a "mandatory" session where no one can skip.
Just where in the world that for those of us who works on a 9/5 and five days a week time frame -- to squeeze out this mandatory visit of the students? I guess, this is where creativity often born out of necessity, thus the birth of the system of CD/CS was born. It is also part of the evolution from the discipline of psychology, the study of our human "psyche", or the mind and soul (and possible the emotional to be symbolized by our heart) had continued to emerge and being modified from the one time "elites"only of the era of use of psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud, the eventual modification and another form of evolution by Jung and the more branching out of the field of psychology into the continents in America and then the gradual global spread by the studies and disciplines of the many fields of psychology.
Thus one may consider the creation of this field of psychology that happens in the area of Communications, as this can be called as a Communication Psychology and with the added cultural dimension by the presentation of the ambiance CD - Cultural Sphere.
The training and the practice of therapeutic psychology, as in the practice of psychoanalysis into the medical field of psychiatry continue to have its place in our society. But the study of the human psychology had since the time of the pioneering work of Sigmund Freud, had passed on to a rich area of the study and by the world universities and to have reached a much broader audience. In the development of CD/CS can be categorized into the area of social psychology, cultural psychology as well as communication psychology as since from time of a more vigorous and very limited field of psychology/psychiatrist, where the emphasis of education, and to allow psychology to be widening to have the counseling psychology to become a much more functional psychology in the field of counseling psychology, where the work of good counseling and guidance can be now popularized to the general use by the public as the CD/CS studies and practice can go world wide, to go globalized and to regionalize the teaching and use the CD/CS as an educational tool that has zero limits of its use and application.
Our mission with the creation of CD/CS - Communication Dynamics and Cultural Sphere as a new form of communication in the context of both area of counseling psychology by factoring the importance of the ambiance, factoring in spheres of cultures. The system of CD/CS has since been created, completed and tested in the year of 1975 had proven to us then -- the cultural and the ambiance factor with both the cultural environment of the client/patient has sound impact and aid to the counseling process. It is the combination to give the greater understanding of the cultural/social environment and to the awareness of the counselor/therapist and to grant the counseling professionals to work with a much wider cultural latitude under any set of circumstances.
Culturally and economically, we are moving forward with the social and technical values that are transforming our society as we are stepping into the era of the information age to now --the big data age, and we are advancing the use and the practice of counseling toward a much broader audience, and to provide the sort of counseling and guidance services to all regions of the world and to be interacting with a wide range of people and groups with the diverse cultures of our planet, with this now the extra awareness of the process, working with the symbiosis of CD and CS.
The system of CD/CS will allow our to enrich the local and regional aids workers and to help them to be of value and to provide sound advice and counseling to those who are in need -- and at that very same time, by the development of the trainings and workshops of CD/CS to be provided by the CCI -- Cross Cultural Institute to reach all world regions to foster the use of CD/CS and to encourage all participants to continue to evolve and to develop suitable modifications and changes for the people of the region.
About US
CCI-Cross Cultural Institute
Kathy and Paul Yih have both been schoolmates at the University of Wisconsin - Platteville.
Paul Yih was an international student came via Brazil and Paul was a native of Shanghai. Paul was born bi-cultural, both about cultures and also by the dialectical linguistic cultures. With the influences given by his Cantonese mother, where Mr. T. T. Yih, Paul's father was a native of Yuyao, Zhejiang. TT Yih was a gradual of Sorbonne, Paris and had a rich command of French, and later Portuguese and reading English.
Dom Giovanni Bosco - The Salesians
Paul himself was born cross-cultural and this cross culturalism was happening within the context of a nation -- China. Paul's migration from Shanghai to Hong Kong and Macao, where he had picked up the use and learning of Latin and Greek, by way of his Roman Catholic exposure with the Jesuit order in Macau and his eventual educational engagement with the Salesians, or Giovanni Bosco's educational system starting in Turin, Italy. The influence of the teaching of the John Bosco had one of the earliest influences for Paul, as Paul had attended the Salesians schools both in Macau and later in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Salesians influence on and about education had Paul impressed and appreciated early on. As of today, based on the sense of gratitude and also, by the appreciation of the Salesian education. In 2015, Paul Yih had created the non-profit foundation of The Society of John Bosco in Sao Paulo, Brazil with the mission to revitalize the educational method of the Salesians -- which is also a life long focus for both Paul and Kathy--The Founder of John (Giovanni Bosco) whose founding of the Salesian schools in then post WWI of Italy, to have aided the poor, the many war orphans by providing his method of education to the many youth in that are. One of John Bosco's major emphasis was first, to give these youngsters of space, and to give them plenty of "playtime" and to follow with the rest with discipline.
It is this total or "comprehensive" educational model in the use of the pedagogy and moral philosophy of John Bosco, or Dom Bosco. Education is one of the best systems to alleviate the poverty of any nation. And the John Bosco's Salesians had managed to be of value to the many post war regions in and around the world and are still working in many of the poor world regions today.
Thus, CD/CS is part of the force of this focus in trying our best to eliminate or to reduce poverty by way of a sound educational system and CD/CS and the CCI is part of this entire process to make learning and teaching more efficient. Communication is the very first tool between teachers and learners, between educators and those who cares to be "educated".
Paulo Freire (Brazil) - Conscientization
In these past 12 years, Paul Yih had further been influenced by another major humanist, educator and a great educational philosopher -- Paulo Freire in Brazil. Paulo Freire has been better known as the author who wrote "The pedagogy of the oppressed"as one of the many who were categorized (liking it or not) as one of the forward thinkers that was known in the segment as "Liberation theology" in Latin America. Based on my time and years living in Brazil and with a good grasp of the Portuguese language -- reflecting upon Paulo Freire's work in the Northeast region of Brazil, or "nordeste"as we call it in Brazil -- where it was one of the poorest regions of Brazil in that time and period of the 50. Paulo Freire's main influence was his ability to have enabled these many poor workers, most of them were illiterate, on account of his personal fairness and to have encouraged all the poor also must have their voices in the voting system of any democracy - This was one of his many motivations -- it was to enable the poor peasants, illiterate people to be able to learn to write and to spell their names, good enough to head to the voting booth and to be counted in a democracy. As of late, Paulo Freire has been demonized as a liberal at the present political climate in Brazil. But by me, also as an educator, what can be more noble than that Paulo Freire had empowered the "general people"to become literate and was enabling them to share the democratically voting system.
Paulo Freire's work to aid the poor sharing much the same mission and vision of Dom (Giovanni) Bosco, of Turin of the Salesians - These are the true missions of these educators. More than that, In all my years living in the West. This was the first time I have heard of Paulo Freire's work on and about "Conscientization". The rich use the Portuguese language, in this context of the cross-cultural environment that I have inherited -- I have witnessed the use of conscience into a verb - and into action, to "conscientize", or to have a conscience and to be aware of our own conscience on my personal cross-cultural journey. By me, the word conscience is a rich language in the teaching youngsters of values and to be able to distinguish what is right and wrong, be guiding them into such awareness and to understand the meaning of conscience. Is that not all education is all about - to guide our youngsters to the path of sound values, to know rights from wrongs and to move forward in life with that good balance to know about "wrongs"from "right"without much injection of own subjectivity?
Wang YangMing
With my personal cross-cultural journey, carrying with me with the training in educational psychology, I have always added the personal interest of cultural anthropology as always, and this is where the cultural awareness had given me much richer context above and beyond my self scripted field of human psychology. Subsequently with the use of a language such as Portuguese, leaning a bit into the other linguistic groups within the context of Latin/Roman, where to have ourselves crossover and by gaining the knowledge of languages such as: Spanish, Italian and French with huge facility. With the modern convenience of the many language tools -- the translation of Conscience into Chinese becomes the made ups of two words -- Kindness 善良 and heart 心. By this simple discovery, where I have found almost in all the three pivotal human values and philosophies (Confucian, Buddhist and Dao values) in China -- the study of human kindness and goodness with its link to the character of heart or 心. By my research, I have discovered one of the major thinker/philosopher who managed to have created the most confluential study of the three pivotal values of the Chinese was this man - Wang YangMing (1472-1529), who had written 心學 or Xin Xue. Such research of 心學 or Xin Xue has a total natural coincidence with Paulo Freire's Conscientization. We have since put forth the registry of a new word for this new study by naming it -- Consciencecology. Making it the study or learning of the heart, or the study of goodness and kindness -- and to give new context and wording for the world Conscience in the West.
It just also happened by total coincidence -- My family name Yih or 葉 (meaning foliage) comes from the village Yuyao, present day, part of the city of Ningbo municipality share this birth area of Wang YangMing.
Conscienceology can be written in Chinese as the study of kind heart/conscience 良心學 in Chinese.
Consciencecology/ 良心學 is the study of human goodness and kindness. By us, "Kindness is the very first step toward the cultivation of human goodness".
To cultivate goodness and kindness by ways of Carl Rogers, Paulo Freire, Wang YangMing in the realm of this new word of Consciencecology can be another human force and drive to improve our lives and to be of value to those others where we can be fostering human kindness and goodness. We are making the CCI's multicultural and cross-cultural mission as we are willing to share the many other discoveries just like my personal discovery from my cross-cultural journey both done externally as well from the inner journey of my heart and soul.
Some of Our Values and Action
One of the best forms of education, including the education in this area of Counseling psychology is to enable all to think and from thinking, imagination, reflection. Thus the philosophy of the counseling education is all about "counseling and guidance". Because we have faith of people and individuals who have been misguided by their previous values gathered by their other forms of learning.
Behaviors will change when people are being given the alternatives to change their life directions.
Care Share Dare
Care for all
Share everything
Dare to "think" outside of the box
Our Modus Operandi //
Total Integrity
Total Transparency
Total Efficiency
Total Accountability
Communication Dynamics/Cultural Spheres
Communication Dynamics and Cultural Spheres are the essential learning tools for this new areas of Counseling Psychology, which can also be called the Guidance Psychology. Both will be under the overall umbrella of Educational Psychology.
The creation of this CD/CS combination stemmed from the 50 plus years of personal research, study and analysis conducted by its creator -- Paul Yih.
These many cross-cultural journeys and life events had shaped the ideas and vision of Paul and his team now involved with the development of the CCI -- Cross-Cultural Institute in and around the area of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.
First and foremost, One of the major concerns for Paul Yih was his immense interest in the study and observation of the total human psychology, where he had observed personally with his own cross-cultural transitions from the different global locales and also with the shifts of the use of languages as one of the major communication tools -- Then as these many global transients, be that their transcultural experience is temporal or permanent to semi-permanent -- the shifts of their own Cultural Zones do have impacts upon their personal “psyche”, as well as the change or shifts of the emotions by their environment. Thus, by Paul’s keen observation, where often Paul himself had said “when there is history, there is culture”. It is important for all to have a sense of reference in time and in history. Thus, the creation of the cross-cultural Institute is also much about how we are adapting to the new environments and our adjustment to the new surroundings. These sort of environmental changes limited not only to the global sets of circumstances -- It is equally prevalent for the movements and changes within a given linguistic or national territory. In some parts of the world -- the migration from a certain region , like moving from the north to the south can have a very “traumatic” moments -- due to the dietary and linguistic barriers -- China is merely one of the world regions where we can highlight much of that. In the province of Guangdong (Canton) alone, there are enough diversity, where just be crossing a river of one miles or two -- the entire linguistic group of the Hakka, near Swatow had almost a 100% difference from the lingua franca of Cantonese from the capital. Not to mention the more drastic of taste and other habits.
Take Papua New Guinea, the tiny island of 8 million and there are 850 distinct languages.
Obviously, these are the more drastic world regions. But in the United States proper, the transit and migration of the people may have a lesser impact due to the united one language. Nevertheless, we also have to take into the account of place and people -- and our respective living surrounding, where we have taken a much stronger emphasis to factor into the counseling system of ours -- as the CS - Cultural Spheres, or spheres of influence that we face daily. One’s working environment is one form of cultural sphere, and their places of play and worship, all have their own sort of emphasis about people, about culture and often, there are those cultural shocks that happens almost daily amongst us all.
As a transient and migrant many times in my personal life, I have taken this particular to add these extra emphasis into the work of educational psychology and much more so, in the area of communication psychology and our many years of engagement with both counseling and guidance with our fellow workers and students.
We take pride to be the first group of workers -- where over the years, in my earlier career, we have worked often with the referrals coming from the many social workers in the mid to late 70s. Where it seemed that our disciplines are all about people and to offer our works and services to the people in general --- Where from my personal experience, I had always advocated that we, counselors, counseling psychologists or professionals are first in contact with people who were in need of help and assistance. We are not therapists and we are also not psychotherapist, nor psychoanalyst coming out of the school of Sigmund Freud. Where there is a much stronger emphasis with the psycho medical/psycho-pharmaceutical side of the overall field of human psychology. Nevertheless, we are the very first “professionals” on the ground, or onto the battlefield in working with people in need, people in need of assistance, in need of some sort of guidance and counseling before the other more in-depth work or treatments.
The society at large and its demand of the counseling directed therapist, social worker, teacher who must have the learning and the education about counseling, and about guidance -- the word of guidance to me has a much richer significance. These are the people we are working with are not having any lack of psychological dissonance. Most of them are in need of professional guidance to move them out of their current living conditions of living and so is their psychological or mental status. Or at least, the guidance steps are one of those few first contacts we have with people who are needed first, some guidance about their lives -- and that is where the CS -- Cultural Sphere has its importance. We, professionals must have some better preparation and to understand the general culture/s of our society. More than ever, the rise of the human multi-cultural awareness here in the US, started in the late 60 and the 70s.
Paul Yih was one of the catalysts for the forming of the many multi-cultural educational centers and who was firmed engaged with the rise of the cultural diversity in the US. These early awareness training was taken place in most of the American universities and their respective campus ever since the civil rights movement in the US, with the Title IX, as with the expansion of the more programs for diversity programs in the American university campuses. Educational programs to foster and to enhance the programs for the veterans of wars, then the women’s right, the gay rights plus the day-to-day engagement with the entry of the existing foreign student programs and the many exchange programs that had begun to evolved in the early 70s.
Paul and Kathy Yih, both were engaged in the area of communications, with Paul much more engaged in the area of counseling and guidance, where there are more emphasis also with the psychological evaluation of his students over the university campus and crossing over also from his work load with international students, as well as with the national, or domestic “cultural” issues with the more diverse racial programs happening in the US.
Communication Dynamics and Cultural Sphere ‘s development had evolved from the collective experiences the Yihs have learned from not only in the arena of academia and at the university level. The CD/CS theory and thesis was established and set since 1975, while Paul Yih had administered the so called “mandatory” counseling program while he was a faculty at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Prior to that, Paul Yih had already been previous has been trained and professional manager involving with two of the major food and beverage industry in the Chicago area, with much of the emphasis of the engagement of the productivity of the workers based on the efficiency related to the performances that is related to both the human motivation and reward. The returning to academia was all about Paul’s love and passion about education. Nothing is more rewarding to see the progress the rise and success of any youngsters, who are motivated to learn and care to move ahead into our society. The mission of education was noble then as it is nobler for the Yihs. Education is their first passion in life.
After the Yihs’ first development of the system of CD/CS. Paul had a difficult time to launch his doctoral thesis to fit the many traditional schools and universities. Paul’s adaptation of the “transactions”, or communication elements from Eric Berne’s Transactional Analysis had a great success and yet economically, he was not being able to connect with the professional of the TA organization in California (1975). Likewise, Paul’s love and respect for Carl Rogers’s “Client centered” therapy, where the Yihs had tried to have themselves established in and near La Jolla, California with business just so they can be near Roger’s programs in the same area.
The Yih’s business program was established in 1977 with has been growing ever since globally. In the meantime, even in these past 42 years in an enterprise that had demanded Paul’s travel to almost all the continents and into very extreme regions. Paul had not left the field of human psychology, on the contrary, it had further confirmed Paul’s early development with CD/CS into a much richer program and this programs of the communication psychology had the Yih’s determination to foster the use of this pragmatic programs of CD/CS by way of the forming of the CCI - Cross Cultural Institute.
The Yih’s idea of the forming of CCI - Cross-cultural Institute is one of their offers of this set of communication programs involving both the Communication Dynamics, where our thinking that is directly linked to our emotions and actions are always -- Dynamic. Our speed of thinking and the speed of our words and motions and even emotions have all very rapid movements that often lead to “happenings”. And the other major influence factor is the ambiance, the surrounding, the cultural spheres that it has its shaping of our behaviors and our emotions into our mental state of manifestation. Thus the birth of CD -- Cultural Spheres that has the most important factor. Our Ambiances, or our immediate environments shapes our conditions expressed by communications and by our behavior. The Yihs see the application and the coaching and mentoring of this combination of CD/CS will not only be of value to the field of communication psychology, counseling psychology or even guidance psychology in the Sphere of Educational Psychology. As we all shall see how the grasp and the understanding of the interplay of these two --CD and CS will also be impacting the world we have today in a variety of surroundings. From social to commercial / business, the influence by our awareness of this duo factors of communications and the day to day cultural spheres, the study and the learning of these two communication elements will be installing the extra features to enhance our personal as well as interpersonal communication skills and awareness.
Subsequently, the study of CD/CS is not merely a mechanical method or mechanism, but a set of added human values and awareness that all of the users and learners of the CD/CS will continue to be benefiting by one's own learning and advancement of this field. This is the teaching of the CD/CS open workshops will continue to be so, to be “dynamic” and to develop new methods of communications and also with all the more educational psychological analysis generated by the present and new CS -- Cultural spheres into all regions of this planet and to all human races.
Essentially, the creation of the CD/CS is also the dedication of the Yih’s work with the perspective of the Yihs to do our best -- “to alleviate world poverty”. The setting of the CD/CS in the area of communication psychology -- It is the development of communication methods in the use of the spheres in the CD/CS to reduce the past dependency on and about languages -- The CD/CS is a tool to foster the educational and learning about oneself and about our own culture, by following the famous known factors often said by Carl Rogers “ Unconditional Positive Regards”.
This is also part of the cross-cultural “personal” journey for Paul Yih in particular -- At the end of his global journey. This will offer back to the Chinese, of the Yih’s origin and cultural heritage -- the CD/CS can be called - The Psychology of the Rounds and Squares” which will be most suitable for many of the Chinese with their own puzzle over this field - Human psychology.
CD/CS The Psychology of Round and Square |
Rounds are the complimentary spheres, Squares are spheres when we "scripting" or "judging" others. Triangles are when we are "attacking" others. |
Dattaspheres / Cultural Spheres
These series of configurations named as Dattaspheres are spheres representing the many cultural surroundings that we people interact.
All these many "spheres" are dynamic and will be dynamic based on the interactive play between all participants and CD/CS professionals.
These series of configurations will be modified, changed by the CCI and our participants. Your input and ideas will always be welcome to
move this "open research" further and we pledge to make our Communication Dynamics(tm) and Cultural Spheres (tm)
Configuration / Training
This is a training page in the use of the cultural spheres that influences our communications, thus the dynamics of our communications. In our use of the symbols of the many spheres remains in our use this languages, not by written words and to facilitate all communications not locked into one specific language. This is the mission and also our vision with the focus of: Alleviation of the poor and one of the tools to alleviate poverty is by education. The purpose of the creation of the CCI - Cross Cultural Institute is to explosre this endeavor jointly with all the many of our global colleagues and associates. This series of configurations of the shapes and spheres, in the use of also color and color density to represent a varieties of variables that remains to be a "language" neutrality as this will continue to be fostering the every day learning of ourselves and of the immediate environment we live in. Join us for this shared exploration of CCI.